Press Release
31.08.2018, Berlin
Climate policy can only be successful if it is designed in a just way. This means that the urgency of climate action must be taken seriously and that the interests of all the people affected – both…
Policy Paper
Climate policy can only be successful if it is designed in a just way. This means that the urgency of climate action must be taken seriously and that the interests of all the people affected – both…
Press Release
15.02.2017, Berlin
Meeting of the G20 Foreign Ministers on 16–17 February 2017 in Bonn
At the meeting of the foreign ministers of the G20, the twenty most important industrialized countries and emerging economies, the…
Press Release
13.12.2016, Berlin
Often reviled as the club of the great economic powers, the G20 can advance the world on the road to climate stabilization and dynamic economic growth by taking decisions in four areas – and thus…
Special Report
G20 countries are responsible for 82% of CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels, so the G20, with its formative influence on the world’s economy and politics, must play a leading role in implementing…
Press Release
17.09.2014, Berlin
Climate Summit of the UN Secretary General in New York
Presentation of the report "Climate Protection as a World Citizen Movement" to the Federal Government
Climate policy is getting nowhere, while…
Special Report
The 5th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) makes it unmistakeably clear: unacceptable climatic consequences, which are likely to escalate beyond the 2°C guard…
Flagship Report
In this report, the WBGU explains the reasons for the desperate need for a post-fossil economic strategy, yet it also concludes that the transition to sustainability is achievable, and presents ten…
Press Release
06.06.2007, Berlin
Report "Climate Change as a Security Risk"
The German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) will today, at the start of the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, submit its report "Climate Change as a…
Flagship Report
Without resolute counteraction, climate change will overstretch many societies’ adaptive capacities within the coming decades. This could result in destabilization and violence, jeopardizing national…