WBGU at the 7th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in Budapest
Planetary Health: How do we want to shape our future?
The WBGU recently published a discussion paper "Planetary Health: What we need to talk about". The aim of this four-pager is to stimulate a discussion on the role of health in the global transformation towards sustainability. The insights gained from this dialogue process are incorporated into the Advisory Board's discussions on its new flagship report (forthcoming early 2023). The public presentation and discussion of the new paper on December 14 is part of this dialogue process (the presentation of the paper in German will follow February 2nd 2022).
COP26 Side Event: “Beyond Climate Neutrality: Using LTS to Chart an Equitable Path for a Resilient Planet”
COP26 EU Side Event (virtual): “Long-Term Strategies: Priorities, Lessons and Opportunities for International Cooperation”
Webinar "Beyond climate neutrality: perpetuating and strengthening long-term strategies"
Launch event: Presentation of the report Rethinking Land in the Anthropocene
Our Common Digital Future Charter for a Sustainable Digital Age
Our Common Digital Future
WBGU Panel: „Turning Digitalization into a Lever for Sustainability: Where is the European Vision?“
At the 26th Annual Conference of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils, EEAC, participants communicated three key insights regarding what new technological possibilities mean for sustainable development. Because digitalisation is not just a “question of technology, but one of our way of life”.