Members during the fourth term of office (1. November 2004 to 31. October 2008)
Prof. Dr. Renate Schubert was elected Chair of the fourth term. Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim (John) Schellnhuber CBE was elected Vice Chair.
Prof. Dr. Nina Buchmann, professor of Grassland Science, Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
Prof. Dr. Astrid Epiney, professor for international law, european law and swiss public law, director at the Institute for European Law, Université de Fribourg (Switzerland)
Dr. Rainer Grießhammer, member of the management board of the Institute of Applied Ecology, Freiburg and director of the future heritage foundation (Stiftung Zukunftserbe)
Prof. Dr. Margareta Kulessa, professor of International Economics, University of Applied Sciences, Mainz
Dr. Dirk Messner, director of the German Development Institute, Bonn
Prof. Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf, professor of physics of the oceans, Potsdam University and leader of the group ocean modelling at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim (John) Schellnhuber CBE (vice chair), research director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in Norwich (UK) and director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmid, president of the Institute for Solar Energy Technology and professor at the University of Kassel, Head of the department for efficient energy conversion
Prof. Dr. Renate Schubert (chair), professor for economics at the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology and head of the Center for Economic Research, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)