Webinar "Beyond climate neutrality: perpetuating and strengthening long-term strategies"
These strategies can serve as a basis for international discussion and cooperation on transformation pathways. Thus, the perpetuation of long-term strategies – beyond the one-off invitation put forward in the Paris Agreement – should be included in COP26 negotiations, and existing national long-term strategies developed further, to establish international coherence and reach global climate stabilization. This is the key message of the policy paper “Beyond Climate Neutrality”, recently submitted to the German Federal Government.
To raise attention for the topic of long-term low emission development strategies ahead of COP26, the WBGU is inviting four policy makers and experts to a public virtual panel discussion, to reflect on the policy paper and discuss the future role and evolution of these strategies. The event will include a facilitated Q&A session with the audience.
Welcome and introduction
- Richard Baron, Executive Director 2050 Pathways Platform
Presentation of the policy paper
- Karen Pittel, Co-chair WBGU
Comments by
- Stéphane Crouzat, Climate Ambassador, France
- Agripina Jenkins-Rojas, Advisor to the Climate Change Office, Costa Rica
- Javier Mendoza, National Coordinator of the Long-term Strategy 2050, Colombia
- Katie Ross, Senior Associate, World Resources Institute, USA
Panel discussion and facilitated Q&A
- Richard Baron