Dr. Marion Schulte zu Berge
Marion Schulte zu Berge has been Secretary General to WBGU since April 2021. She studied Geography at the University of Bonn and Monash University, Melbourne, specialising in natural hazard research. For her doctoral research in Science and Technology Studies at the University of Liverpool she collaborated with the UK Department for Environment, focusing on the role of scientific expertise in UK environmental policy-making. Having finished her PhD, she moved into research management and worked for the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Bonn, from 2010 to 2016. Initially a Programme Officer for Research Training Groups, Graduate Schools and Research Careers she became a Board Officer in 2013, managing the affairs of both the DFG President and Executive Board. From 2013 to 2021, she was the Managing Director of the German Young Academy (Die Junge Akademie), Berlin, the first academy of the sciences for early-career researchers in the world.