Press Release01.03.2013, Berlin

The Great Transformation as a comic

Book launch

A report by the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) has been adapted as a comic for the first time. The 140-page volume is being presented to the public today at the Deutsches Theater Berlin.

The Great Transformation as a comic
The Great Transformation as a comic Foto: Johannes Schmidt

The comic – called The Great Transformation – Will we get our act together on climate change? – is based on the WBGU's report World in Transition – A Social Contract for Sustainability. In nine episodes, WBGU members take on the role of comic heroes to explain the Great Transformation towards a climate-friendly, sustainable society.

The book is part of a communication project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) which aims to evaluate alternative knowledge-transfer approaches on complex future issues. The WBGU had previously recorded this report in English as a video-based course for use by universities.

The book was edited by Council member Reinhold Leinfelder, Alexandra Hamann and Claudia Zea-Schmidt and is published by Jacoby & Stuart. An English version is planned.

Pictorial material on the comic for publication is available free of charge; pleased click here to download.

The Book (german only)

Alexandra Hamann, Claudia Zea-Schmidt, Reinhold Leinfelder (Hrsg.): Die große Transformation. Klima – Kriegen wir die Kurve? 144 Seiten, Verlagshaus Jacoby & Stuart, Preis: 14,95 €